* i know...this smile are not everlasting forever :(
i'm totally speechless....i just SMILE...and SMILE...and SMILE again...
hikhikhik...langsung da x bley stop smiling ni!
Finally, i've completed my degree without any *extend word*. YEAY.....
So today, presentation terakhir i sebagai Degree Student. The Verbal Evaluation. its actually, x la sesusah mana pon. I still dengan confidentnye bentangkan my thesis tu. I rasa, kerja dgn robot lagi senang dari buat sistem! Owh...for my fellows fren yg buat sistem tu, semoga berjaya ok!
Chronology of VIVA
Actually smlm, i x tdo pon!! i still buat program utk Arrick supaya dia bley jalan2 cari cahaya. But with additional function, yang Arrick akan reverse kalo dia langgar obstacle. The major problem semalam, bila setiap kali test aje......tayar depan tu asyik bengkok je. Thats mean, orthosurgery before ni failed. huhu....until 6am, the new organ a.k.a servo motor tu plak not functioning! uhh....sgt berserabut ok kepala otak i ni. Then i trus tido jap.
10am, there is an Angel....who srub in the Ortho Surgery, and Arrick having the several out patient procedure, while i'm busy prepairing the slides. At the same time, i'm recharging Arrick heart..By 1.40pm, baru la Arrick bersedia utk diuji semula.... The new organ still nt working! urghh... i da pasrah giler ok...but at very last minit, i figure out the cause! Rupanya, servo motor tu da renggang, so need a little force. Then, i terpaksa sendal bwh servo motor tu dgn eraser! Then, trus bergerak ke UKM..without testing his new wheel! Just pasrah aje..
My presentation start at 3.10pm....pemeriksa i adalah DR RIZA yg sgt fopular kt my fac tu..sbb dia sgt sporting da best. Sume org mmg berhajat mau kan dia sebagai judges! I trus present dengan confident...jelas lagi nyata. Everything was smooth! and he really loves with my thesis! Masa demo the Arrick pon x de ape2 masalah. Roda depan tu, elok je berpusing, tanpa sebarang masalah. YEAY!
Owh..the scary part for most student is when the Q&A session. But, as i remember tadi, x de pon killer question yang dia tanya....sbb every soalan yang dia tanya tu, i da mmg ade jawapan la... wink*wink. Rahsianya...sbb i bertungkus lumus buat sendiri thesis ni! Even last minit punye keje. I yang banyak srub in dlm surgery Arrick ni. :) Even, Dr Riza mmg admit, i buat keje ni sendiri.. huhu...kembang jap.
*for TR student who get Dr Riza as judges..
~korg jgn ingat dia simply love bagi marks ok! dia tu agak cerewet...and will ask a lot of Q. so, beware......jangan ingt tasik yg tenang, x de buaya. :)
i'm totally speechless....i just SMILE...and SMILE...and SMILE again...
hikhikhik...langsung da x bley stop smiling ni!
Finally, i've completed my degree without any *extend word*. YEAY.....
So today, presentation terakhir i sebagai Degree Student. The Verbal Evaluation. its actually, x la sesusah mana pon. I still dengan confidentnye bentangkan my thesis tu. I rasa, kerja dgn robot lagi senang dari buat sistem! Owh...for my fellows fren yg buat sistem tu, semoga berjaya ok!
Chronology of VIVA
Actually smlm, i x tdo pon!! i still buat program utk Arrick supaya dia bley jalan2 cari cahaya. But with additional function, yang Arrick akan reverse kalo dia langgar obstacle. The major problem semalam, bila setiap kali test aje......tayar depan tu asyik bengkok je. Thats mean, orthosurgery before ni failed. huhu....until 6am, the new organ a.k.a servo motor tu plak not functioning! uhh....sgt berserabut ok kepala otak i ni. Then i trus tido jap.
10am, there is an Angel....who srub in the Ortho Surgery, and Arrick having the several out patient procedure, while i'm busy prepairing the slides. At the same time, i'm recharging Arrick heart..By 1.40pm, baru la Arrick bersedia utk diuji semula.... The new organ still nt working! urghh... i da pasrah giler ok...but at very last minit, i figure out the cause! Rupanya, servo motor tu da renggang, so need a little force. Then, i terpaksa sendal bwh servo motor tu dgn eraser! Then, trus bergerak ke UKM..without testing his new wheel! Just pasrah aje..
My presentation start at 3.10pm....pemeriksa i adalah DR RIZA yg sgt fopular kt my fac tu..sbb dia sgt sporting da best. Sume org mmg berhajat mau kan dia sebagai judges! I trus present dengan confident...jelas lagi nyata. Everything was smooth! and he really loves with my thesis! Masa demo the Arrick pon x de ape2 masalah. Roda depan tu, elok je berpusing, tanpa sebarang masalah. YEAY!
Owh..the scary part for most student is when the Q&A session. But, as i remember tadi, x de pon killer question yang dia tanya....sbb every soalan yang dia tanya tu, i da mmg ade jawapan la... wink*wink. Rahsianya...sbb i bertungkus lumus buat sendiri thesis ni! Even last minit punye keje. I yang banyak srub in dlm surgery Arrick ni. :) Even, Dr Riza mmg admit, i buat keje ni sendiri.. huhu...kembang jap.
*for TR student who get Dr Riza as judges..
~korg jgn ingat dia simply love bagi marks ok! dia tu agak cerewet...and will ask a lot of Q. so, beware......jangan ingt tasik yg tenang, x de buaya. :)
Owh...BTW, Arrick still ade ngan i kat umah ni lagi... rasa sayang plak nk pulangkn dia... huhuhu.. :(
Aktiviti lepas ni:
~ kemas rumah!!!! rumah ni da mcm tongkang pecah... barhabuk, berdaki sume cukup. huhu
~tangkap tikus kat facebook sampai muntah
~update blog...at least, satu entry sehari
~main game CSI yg baru delivery from Scotland. hahaha...*no cheating eh??
~errr.........x dilupakan, BAKING and COOKING!!!!!!
~ kemas rumah!!!! rumah ni da mcm tongkang pecah... barhabuk, berdaki sume cukup. huhu
~tangkap tikus kat facebook sampai muntah
~update blog...at least, satu entry sehari
~main game CSI yg baru delivery from Scotland. hahaha...*no cheating eh??
~errr.........x dilupakan, BAKING and COOKING!!!!!!
ngape kena pulangkan? takleh simpan sendirik ke?
katne umah cik nolly ek?
saje je tanya..takde kene mengene ngan Arrick pun...xbaik curik2 ni..:P
Marts : kena pulangkn juga...sbb UKM yg beli. huhu...x pe laa...pulangkan aje...bg juniour2 plak yg merasa.
Igniz : skrg tggal di kjg, saujana impian...nk tolong dtg kemas umah eh??? hehehe
cik nolly, i'd love to add you..tapi my YM tak leh sign in since i install vista...da uninstall n install baru pun xleh...camne ek?sy buta IT..cik nolly ada suggestion x?or ada program lain yg lbh kurg sama mcm YM? leceh xde YM ni..huhuhu..someone, help me please...
viva abes. sume abes. yeayyy! :D
congrate!! ^_^
thanks kizzy
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