Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Berhenti berharap....OR Terus berharap???

Waaa...title entry ni mcm org dlm dilema percintaan je! Cit..x bley blah. Seperti yg sedia maklum....akaun fb i da kena disabled since 28Dec (Isnin) So now.. still dlm fasa kemurungan/kekecewaan/kesedihan..dan bnyk lg fasa 'ke' yg lain2. Rasanya da hampir 48 jam i x leh login ke akaun fb i tu.....and da 3 kali i send email kat Fcukbook tu. response. Benci tul!

For the time being, i da create another new Fcukbook account... just for sounding the horn, and bersosial ngan hunters2 yg far...x de niat lg nk jadikn new akaun ni as akaun rasmi. Still tgh berfikir2 lg....nk tggu smpai akaun lama tu di activate blk....or just make new akaun ni as akaun rasmi bersosial networking sume??? (and totally forget bout the old account...) hmmm

ps: mlm2 x ley tido...fikirkn pasal 8ribu tikus yg i da tgkap dulu.... haishhhh

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